Marek Kalnik's blog

Marek Kalnik

My name is Marek Kalnik. I live and work in Paris. Founder and CTO of BAM. Follow me on Twitter

Using 5 dysfunctions of a team as a culture framework

March 22, 2022

How we are using a book to support our company culture.

I cheated on my yearly Goodreads goal

February 06, 2022

Some not so bad things coming from being focused on a goal... And trying to be smart about it.

How to divide the number of bugs at your company by 4

November 10, 2021

Sharing BAM defect analysis template that I was talking about on Tech.Rocks Meetup

Just finished: "Taking Smart Notes" by Sönke Ahrens

February 03, 2021

My "in the moment" review of Taking Smart Notes